Our Morning Must Have: Morning Pages
October 18, 2023

Our Morning Must Have: Morning Pages

If you are in the creative world, I know you've heard of 'Morning Pages'. And, if you are anything like me, you're thinking...another article on this?! And to be honest, me too. But, it's such a staple in our toolkit for creativity that we will always talk about it and it will always be an anchor to our mornings. So, take this as a reminder and get some inspiration for our favorite notebooks below. For those of you who are new or just getting your feet wet with exploring and embracing your creativity, it is my honor to introduce you to Morning Pages.

Morning Pages is a practice coined by Julia Cameron, author of "The Artists Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity" back in the 90's. The concept is really simple, before technology and as early as possible after waking, just start writing. Write down whatever comes to mind for either 30 minutes or 3-pages, whichever comes first.

The Hype

What is all the hype about? Well, let me share my experience. Firstly, it's an opportunity for me to connect with myself for what feels like the only time in a day. I can sit down and just be in my own world. I can listen to music, sip on water (because I can't drink coffee until I eat breakfast due to balancing my hormones), and just be with my thoughts. I've received so many ideas as I am writing that I often write them up at the top of the page or on the side of the paper because I have to remember to do them afterwards.

Make it Enjoyable

Some days you won't want to sit down and that's okay. Those are usually the days we need to do them more. We aim for consistency but let's not get down on ourselves if we can't make it happen. But, I promise you it helps to unlock those creative juices and get things flowing. My favorite ways to make this enjoyable starts with the notebooks. I am obsessed with the local stationary brand, Shorthand, so I always go there to buy my notebooks. I like mine lined but you can get ones that are unlined or even dots. I'm currently using The Standard Notebook in the Smiley Faces design as it brings out my inner 90's little girl who loved smiley face shirts. As for pens, I've been loving these classic Pilot G-2 1.0mm pens with a variety of colors.

The Final Details

I take my journal with me when I am traveling (yes, even to my boyfriends house) because I always want to have these moments to myself in the morning. It's a free practice, which we love, and it really doesn't take much time. Plus, we all deserve to have a moment to ourselves in the mornings even when we have a million things to do on our list. It's for you.

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